“Dinikahi wanita itu kerana empat perkara; kerana hartanya, keturunannya, kecantikkannya dan agamanya. Maka pilihlah dalam hal keagamaannya. Nescaya beruntunglah kedua-dua tanganmu.” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
I want to open my hijab,
and show the world,
that I too,
am beautiful in the people's definition.
deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition,
a mystery.
and it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God's eyes.
deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition,
a mystery.
and it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God's eyes.
I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,
make a statement,
that I too,
have a figure and worth looking at.
I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,
make a statement,
that I too,
have a figure and worth looking at.
I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men's imagination,
for I love my future husband,
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already been unveiled by others.
I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men's imagination,
for I love my future husband,
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already been unveiled by others.
I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder, and crazier me.
put myself on display,
for everyone to see,
to be desired, and admired upon.
I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder, and crazier me.
put myself on display,
for everyone to see,
to be desired, and admired upon.
I know that eyes are not just eyes,
seeing is not just seeing,
image and respect are gained,
shame and humility deserve a better place,
I know that eyes are not just eyes,
seeing is not just seeing,
image and respect are gained,
shame and humility deserve a better place,
Because in the end,
it is not just about me,
I carry a lot of impressions and expectations,
of what a Muslim girl should be,
it is not just about me,
I carry a lot of impressions and expectations,
of what a Muslim girl should be,
I am covered by the word "Islam" the moment I walk out of my door,
So don't be selfish girl,
So don't be selfish girl,
Can't you put behind your heart's desire for something worth fighting for?
Love is all it takes.
for my future husband:
Wahai saudaraku...Cinta pertama mengukir peristiwa, mengugat pelbagai perkara. Ketahuilah saudara, jangan mempercayai pada pandangan mata, ia hanya pandangan syaitan durjana. Usah memujiku lebih darinya, kiranya diri ini masih kurang seadanya, idea hanyalah pandangan manusia, belum tentu betul pada pandangan yang Esa. Sempurnaku tak sempurna Nabiku, kerana aku hanya manusia biasa, dan ketahuilah sahabat, manusia tidak akan pernah sempurna.
Wahai saudaraku...janganlah kau membanding-bandingkan diriku dengan insan lain, sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai hambaNya mempersoal mengenai keburukan mereka. Kiranya engkau membenci kemaksiatan, tugasmu adalah membawa mereka berhijrah dan tidak sesekali berhujah untuk menyemarakkan lagi hati mereka.
Kiranya aku jatuh cinta padamu, itu kerana aku jatuh cinta pada kesederhanaanmu, dan kiranya aku membenci dirimu, tidak bermakna aku membenci dirmu, tetapi aku membenci egomu. ingatlah wahai Adam, manusia adalah sama, hiris tangan, pastinya darah yang mengalir adalah merah. Hanya Allah yang dapat membezakan hambanya, dan kita sebagai hamba tidak layak untuk membuat penilaian.
Andainya kamu mencintaiku kerana Allah yang maha Pencipta..Sesungguhnya aku belum berpunya, diriku hanyalah untuk Dia. Aku menerima lamaranmu dengan hati yang terbuka, Kiranya ini menambahkan ketaqwaanku padaNya. Inilah nota-nota cintaku buatmu lelaki yang akan bergelar suami…
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